Allen Kennedy, a 59-year-old Irving resident, was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 2019.
This news came as a shock to the man and his wife. With no license to drive a car, and no car of his own to drive, he was concerned about missing his cancer treatment appointments. The couple began asking neighbors for rides to get Kennedy to and from Choice Cancer Care in Irving.
While they were able to attain some rides for the cancer patient, he ended up missing some appointments. That meant Kennedy would have to make up the treatment later – when it was convenient for someone to take him 10 minutes down the road to the cancer center.
The effectiveness of the treatment plan was reduced, and it placed him and his wife in a vulnerable position. Kennedy spoke to a representative about his situation at his place of treatment, and they referred him to Mankind.
We soon received an application from Kennedy stating his need for transportation services. Upon speaking to the man about his health and transportation situations, we came up with a solution to get Kennedy where he needed to be by addressing his inability to consistently make it to his appointments.
We researched rideshare programs and came across GoGoGrandparent. After setting up an account, we were able to schedule and pay for rides to get Allen to Choice Cancer Care through October 28. He has not missed an appointment due to an inability to find transportation in five weeks.
Mankind’s mission is to assist men like Allen Kennedy. If you or someone you know need life-saving financial assistance due to a medical crisis, fill out an application at foremankind.org. You can also visit us online to donate, learn about volunteering and more.