This past year has been difficult for everyone especially those who have contracted COVID-19 or lost a loved one. For Jorge Avila, both were the case. Jorge has a landscape business and as last year ended; his struggles began. He received a call that his brother had passed away due to complications from the virus. A few days later both he and his wife Maria started having COVID related symptoms, so they decided to get tested. Sure enough, both tested positive. With their health deteriorating, Jorge realized he needed to go to the hospital for help. After being hooked up to ventilators and a stay of nearly a month, Jorge was released only to have unpaid bills and no income for the past month.
Then as if things could not get any worse, Snowvid 21 hit Texas and again, Jorge could not work. Although today he is back to work, fatigue and unpaid bills worry Jorge. Maria’s employer mentioned that Mankind may be able to help. Jorge filled out the application and Mankind is pleased to announce that we were able to get involved and help pay Jorge’s rent so that he could have one less burden to worry about during this unexpected health crisis.
This is all made possible due to the donations of our sponsors and Mankinders. Our mission is to help save the lives of men and end suffering by increasing education, awareness, and by helping those affected with financial assistance.
To get involved and to read more stories of survival please visit www.foremankind.org