Daniel is 26. He was born with a severe lung condition. He has been treated over many years by children’s hospitals in Denver and Dallas. He lived a life with lung disease and was commonly sick and struggled with every illness that would be common for most people.
Around 25 he began to worsen and had to receive daily oxygen treatment. The doctors finally decided to give Daniel a double lung transplant.
Not related to his lung problems, Daniel lost an eye at 19 in a freak accident.
The lung transplant was a great success. Daniel leads something much closer to a ‘normal’ life. He does not need extreme oxygen. Daniel still needs some special care and has to avoid crowds but has a girlfriend and lives with his mom in Dallas. He builds websites as an independent contractor and makes a small income and tries to knock down a large medical debt and continues to need ongoing specialist follow up and testing which is expensive. Mankind’s support has helped Daniel rise to the challenges he faces.