14th Annual Golf Tournament
Presented by

Mankind invites you to join us for a day of golf at the 14th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, benefitting men’s health awareness and funding for beneficiaries facing a health crisis. There will be exceptional networking, food, fun, funding, and, of course, golf! This year’s goal is to raise $50,000 which will enable Mankind to help men currently facing a health crisis and educate so many more. Tickets are $200/player or $800/4 players. We hope to see you there!
All sponsors will receive:
Special Recognition
1 Group of 4 Players
Tee Box Signage
Table and Chairs at Tee Box
- $200 per player and other sponsorships available.
- Shotgun @ 8:30am, Lunch, Auction & Awards follow golf.
- Download the brochure here