Damon is like most men- a fighter who keeps on going. Damon is in construction for the City of Plano and for years has been in pain or soreness. He just thought this was part of the job. He has insurance but did not think anything was out of the ordinary so did not go to the doctor. He took medication to ease the pain but realized this was not a long-term solution. In April of 2021, Damon realized that not being able to lift his feet was a problem so he finally went to the doctor. Sure enough, his PSA was over 400 and his body could not produce white blood cells. His diagnosis was prostate cancer and chemotherapy was the path he and doctors decided to start. The procedures take a lot of energy out of Damon, and he frequently misses work. Not going to work also takes a toll on people because they are not around friends for companionship during a crisis like cancer. The past several months have been extremely hard on Damon but thanks to you and Mankind, we can spread a little holiday cheer and help Damon pay some bills.
Please remember to tell your family and friends to continue to get a yearly exam to identify any issues early. The sooner you know, the better.
-The Mankind Board of Volunteers